
Trends in the Filling and Bottling Machinery Sector in Spain

filling and capping monoblock

In this article we are going to analyze the main trends in Filling Machinery and Bottling Machinery Sector in Spain.

Efficiency, Digitalization and Sustainability

In a context in which energy costs are on the rise and fluctuations in raw materials have an impact on production costs, putting pressure on operating margins, the efforts of the Filling and Bottling Industry towards energy efficiency and cost savings take center stage.

Flexibility is also an unavoidable demand in this Sector. Rapid solutions that respond to market trends are required, this is, modular and adaptable equipment to integrate, without disproportionate costs, the additional machinery necessary to the existing one.

However, the maximum commitment of the Bottling and Filling Machinery sector is to move towards Efficiency and Digitalization.

The investments of this Sector have been destined mainly to incursions in the Industry 4.0 and the improvements in technological platforms.

Industry 4.0 in Filling Machinery, is here to stay

The landscape of filling machinery is undergoing a paradigm shift as modern trends drive innovation and efficiency. Amidst this transformation, equipment connectivity emerges as an essential element, empowering manufacturers to achieve a range of benefits.

Equipment connectivity is an essential requirement for:

  • Prevent failures
  • Cut maintenance costs
  • Optimize processes
  • Monitor data
  • Update the status of the machinery through mobile applications

These processes not only facilitate maintenance tasks but also allow the dismantling of geographical limitations by making it possible for processes such as technical assistance to be carried out remotely.

On the other hand, government requirements and consumer demands have prompted the Sector to turn towards Sustainability, and adopt measures to reduce energy consumption and optimize resources, among others.

The Bottling and Filling Industry is in the spotlight after the latest regulations regarding recycling quotas and limitation of greenhouse gas emissions. The boost that the regulations at European level are giving to tied caps, as well as the Directive on Single-Use Plastics, are some of the measures that have an impact on the operators of the Sector.

Antonio Mengibar S.A., a national family business with more than 30 years of experience in the Sector, is at the head of the Filling and Bottling Machinery turnover ranking in Spain, with more than 95% of its sales dedicated to exports.

Information extracted from the Alimarket Report about Filling and Bottling machinery Sector in Spain : https://www. alimarket .es/envase/report/351889/report-2022-on-the-bottling-and-filling-machinery-sector-in-spain
