
Mengibar presents at Hispack a Monoblock in streaming

antonio mengibar SA at hispack 2022

For this new edition of Hispack, Mengibar is not going to present a ‘demo’ machine as usual, but in collaboration with one of its main clients, we are going to show a real machine in production (real time) monitoring and controlling remotely all recipe parameters and KPIs, in the same way that can be done from your office or from any other place with an standard Internet connection.

The star of the show is a Filling and Capping Monoblock equipped with 16 filling stations featuring MassFlow filling technology and LRFH filling nozzles (no foaming – no contact) and 8 screw capping stations for Trigger Pumps and Regular Screw-on Caps featuring electronic torque control.

The equipment is designed to run the “lightest drugstore bottle (using less plastic) on the market”, KH7 of Lloreda, a product free of microplastics running a machine with the highest energy efficiency, top filling accuracy, without product waste and minimum water consumption in CIP and product change over.

Mengibar already has large number of MassFlow machines installed in Spain, a revolutionary technology concept based on sustainability criteria. Capable to save around 15 to 18 tons of product per year, improving filling accuracy by around 30% compared to any other lowmeter or net weight filling technology.

Antonio Mengibar S.A. is the main manufacturer of Liquid Filling and Capping equipment based in Spain for liquid and semi-liquid products in bottles (plastic, glass or metal). The company exports over 90% of its production and own subsidiaries in the United States, the United Kingdom and India

Visit Mengibar at Hispack at Pavilion 3, Level 0, Street E, Stand 105.
